12:34 PM

New York

Posted by L. |

I barely slept the two weeks before the trip. A mixture of bad planning, last minute projects, late night dinners, and a certain Greek.. So you can imagine my anxiety when I ALMOST missed my flight.. But I made it, and I got to NY almost at midnight..Poor Sandy was up waiting for me..We talked for hours.. I LOVE LOVE that we have so much in common, that we can share so much, that we are so connected..

The next day we went out and it was so humid and hot, we could only walk around for a while. We decided to take a gypsy cab back home..I am already late, and trying to pack everything, I realize I can't find my phone...When Sandy called we realized that I left it in the cab. Thank God the cab driver was Dominican, and a very honest person, so he came back to bring the phone and give me a ride to the airport...
I made into the flight, barely... I almost lost every single one of my flights..I have to thank my lucky stars that I made all of them..